Saturday, January 25, 2020
An Over View Of The Costa Coffee Campaign Marketing Essay
An Over View Of The Costa Coffee Campaign Marketing Essay It has always been said that distinguish a correct market place for a business is very difficult as well as to gain sustainable interest from a customer as a steppingstone when there is such a fragmented marketplace with many competitors. However the Costa coffee campaign will make a definite difference. It will emphasize the quality of the coffee and its value of spending time discovering your favourite coffee. This will take place in shopping centre in Auckland City as well as on television, radio and magazines. This initial advertising is sure to establish Costa Coffee as a new brand name for the New Zealand Coffee Lovers. Sending the message to our target consumers both male and female aged between 18~45 years old that drinking Costa coffee can be enjoyable and worth experience than other brand outlets coffee. Then when the target consumers realise a positive impact (benefits) the Costa Coffee is having on their daily life the product is sure to be promoted through word of mouth. This initial advertising is sure to establish Costa Coffee as a brand name for the leading New Zealand Coffee shop in future. Coffee consumption in Australia and New Zealand has increased massively in the past few years. It is easy to find lots of different cafes around that are open and lots of people drinking coffee steadily inside and outside the cafà ©. New Zealander loves drink coffee in their daily life and a Flat white is a good example. A Flat white is one of most popular coffee beverage served in Australia and New Zealand which created by New Zealander called Derek Townsend in the early eighties. Coffee is actually one of the healthiest beverages that billions of people consume regularly and it is one of the most widely researched ingredients. The growing body of scientific research has shown that coffee is safe for healthy adults and can even have beneficial health implications as a part of a healthy diet and physically active lifestyle. For example, the most predominant fact is that regular consumption of coffee decreases the risk of type II diabetes and many other health risks. Therefore, the concept of creating healthier, pleasant and high quality coffee beverage of Costa Coffee will be implemented. This idea revolves around the importance of reinstating the value of spending time with their favourite coffee beverage more effectively, and also the attempt to break into the competitive market of Coffee shops (including private cafes) in Auckland City. Costa Coffee is one of the largest and fastest growing coffee chains in the UK. It was founded in 1971 in Italy by two Italian brothers Sergio and Bruno Costa. Costa Company which introduced the first Costa coffee shop in the UK in early 1980s had as a main objective to create and serve the finest authentic Italian coffee. Costa became part of Whitebread PLC in 1995 and has followed an expansion program, so to become recognised nationally. With overà 1,000 stores in the UK and over 400 internationally, Costa has enjoyed a remarkable period of growth since it opened its first store.à Costa is now the leading UK branded coffee shop with over 300 stores that now operates in 25 countries (Costa Coffee, n.d.). In addition, it opened its 1000th milestone store in March 2008 in Moscow (Whitbread PLC, 2010). Costa Coffee has a specially blended coffee called Mocha Italia that created by Sergio and Bruno Costa 37 years ago, made of their own special blend of coffee beans. Its a unique blend as it manages to combine the sweetness, bitterness and body needed to make the perfect cup of coffee. As for the blend itself, thats a closely guarded secret, but you can enjoy a cup of its distinctive flavour and a warm Italian welcome at any of our Costa coffee shops (Costa Coffee, n.d.). Just beyond the Mocha Italia, Costa Coffee provided variety range of coffee beverage selections like other coffee shops have, it also includes non-coffee beverages (tea, juice and hot chocolate etc) and snacks (sandwiches, muffins and cakes etc). (Costa Coffee, n.d.). TARGET MARKET In the advertising plan, the target market would be divided into smaller segments as geographic, demographic and psychographic. Firstly, geographic includes of the country, town, place or city. This advertising plan is for Auckland City, and it covers all central city area and it also including areas such as Parnell, Newmarket and Mission bay. Auckland Central city is known as a heart of Auckland; consequently, large populations can be found because this is where most universities and the business are located. After 12 months, the target market can be extended to other area such as North Shore, Waitakere City and Manukau City. Secondly, under the demographic, both male and females aged between 18 45 years old is our products target market, but it does cater for everyones needs. The reason for this is primarily because the product itself is ideally for the adults (business men and women). They usually go to Costa at the office-going hour to take morning coffee before starting the work and at lunchtime. Costa coffee is relatively high price is the reason why working people take a bigger part of customers than students despite their similar using hour. However, it will also include university students who can afford to buy priced coffee. Overall, our advertising will directly towards to people who are interest to spend their money on coffee beverage. Additionally, Costa introduced the Kids menu for new target market Family. As many Costa stores are located in high streets and shopping malls in UK, there is an massive potential for family target. To meet this demand Costa has launched a specific range of food for children- Costa Kids, comprising a little sandwich, new Smarties American style cookies, yoghurts and Robinsons Fruit Shoot drinks placed in special Costa Kids bags so that children can take the food with them (Costa Coffee, n.d.) Under the psychographic, all internet users can be our target market. It includes students of final year in college or in university and young employees who could be Costa coffees potential customers. Yet, not many coffee shops offering free Wi-Fi, therefore, open 24 hours and providing unlimited free Wi-Fi will attracting those ADVERTISING OBJECTS Our advertising objectives have been created to be something that advertising can accomplish, for instance a shift in perception or to create awareness. In order to launch the advertising plan effectively, both the marketing objectives as well as the communications objectives are important to be considered. Marketing Objectives These are the marketing objectives that Costa Coffee should achieve after launching the advertising campaign. To increase the brand recognition To increase unit sales of both coffee beverage and non-coffee beverage To generate steady profit over the next 12 months To increase the market share by 10% over the next 12 months Communication Objectives These are the communication objectives that Costa Coffee should achieved after launching the advertising campaign. To increase the quality of blended coffee beverage and excellent customer service To maintain Costa Coffee as the preferred brand of coffee shop among 50% business men/women and student customers in Auckland city next 12 months To build the awareness of Costa Coffee among 70% of the target audience in the next 12 months To enhance the brand and corporation image in the consumers mind-set over next 12 months ADVERTISING STRATEGIES Our campaign plan for the advertisement of the Costa Coffee mainly covers the aspect of interaction between customers and Costa Coffee and how this will ultimately effect customers daily life. Definitely its focus based on the activity of customers spending time at one of Costa coffee outlets for relax. Strategy is the means by which we aim to achieve the objectives (White, 2000). Our strategy is to encompass a significant aspect of advertising, incorporating elements of the marketing mix. As White states that enable advertising to fulfill its role in the overall marketing mix (2000), it also covers the development of identifying specific objectives that can be met by advertising. Strategies It is recommended to Costa Coffee to use the three types of strategy to achieve its marketing and communications objectives as stated earlier. Those three strategies that are suggested to implement are position strategy, message strategy, and media strategy. Position Strategy Costa Coffee position for its product as high quality blended coffee beverage which using affordable pricing strategy. In order to accomplish this position strategy, it is suggested to Costa Coffee to emphasize its quality and excellent customer service in all outlets. These will creates a trust and strong commitment on Costa Coffee and its coffee beans quality and customer service. Once the customers have trust and believed the quality and the services provided by the Costa Coffee, they will go around talking more about Costa Coffee to others. Costa Coffee will be the first on to choose among other competitors, likely, Starbucks could be the second choice. à Message Strategy Costa Coffee may use a new theme or slogan called Costa Coffee A little taste of Italy worth waiting for. This message conveys the customer who used to drink American style blended coffee beverage. To create Italian heritage, interior of Costa coffee shop will provide the image of Italian heritage for their customers as well as a unique taste. It will guarantee the customers highest satisfaction. Media Strategies In order to achieve the objectives which was stated earlier, various types of advertising media will be use to communicate the selling theme to the target audience such as television, newspapers, Internet banner, billboard and magazines. All of this media may increase the Costa Coffee Companys sales, profit and awareness of the product as it can deliver the message very wide to all target audience and leave a deep impact on the target audiences mind at the same time. Tactics There are many types of media and direct marketing that can be used for advertising campaign, each media has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, it is very important to choose the best media to reach the target audience. In this case Costa Coffee may choose television, newspapers, Internet, billboard, and Magazine for the advertising campaign. Television Television is the best media to advertise the certain product/service, however, it is relatively expensive than newspapers and magazines. The main reason for this is, it contains the combination of sound, visual images, motion and colours. It offers national coverage where it can covers large amount of audiences within short period of times. Television does easily grasp consumers attention and create awareness on them. Through television, Costa Coffee will be able to achieve its objectives by creating awareness on the consumers. The advertisement will advertise equally in three most popular television channels such as TV1, TV2 and TV3 and Sky TV. The advertisement would advertise in all months throughout the year. However, more advertisement would advertise on early April, May, June, July, August and late September. The main reason for this is, these are the months that New Zealands autumn and winter season started and ends. Theoretically, more people would preferred to drink hot beverage especially in winter time. Moreover, this advertisement will advertise on daily on both the TV channels during the prime time, which is between and This is considered the best timing because, most students and working people would back from colleges or work, and this is the time where they will be resting in front of the TV. However the length of advertisement would be 15 to no more than 30 seconds. 1st scene A man with a bulk of paper work in his office 2nd scene A group of university students with loads of assignments 3rd scene It is morning tea time and two seniors sitting down on the couch in their living room and willing to drink something with their snack 5th scene Showing Costa Coffee with its slogan A little taste of Italy, worth waiting for. 6th scene Happy and satisfaction faces of the working man, the college student, and seniors with the take away coffee beverage in their hand. And at the bottom of the last screen the Costa Coffees website and locations will appear saying Visit today! Newspapers Costa Coffee will choose two most popular newspapers in Auckland religion; it would be The New Zealand Herald (The Aucklander) and The Sunday Star times. According to the latest Nielson national newspaper survey, the both readership of the Weekend and Daily Herald were up strongly in 2009 (Weekend herald readers grow, 2009). For Weekend Herald was read by an average of 618,000 people aged 15+, up by 17,000 from a year ago, and about 568,000 people read the Daily Herald and as well as the combined print edition and website readership was also up 5.5 per cent to 685,000 (Weekend herald readers grow, 2009). This figure clearly shows that The New Zealand Herald is the highest readership of any newspaper in the country. Additionally, over a week the Herald audience has increased by 52,000, reaching 1.15 million New Zealanders; six out of 10 Aucklanders read a print edition of the Herald or visit each week (Weekend herald readers grow, 2009). The Sunday Star-Times is New Zealands only national broadsheet newspaper with a readership of over 608,000 (Murphy, n.d.). Sunday Star-Times is a newspaper provides the backgrounds stories of national significance, at the same time providing quality leisure read for an audience which has time to take it in. Due to this, these two newspapers are selected in this advertising campaign. Newspaper advertisement would be done in every month throughout the whole year. The advertisement would be done only on Monday, Saturday and Sunday, where it would be in full page in colours. This is because on Monday all business people going back to their office. Of course, Saturdays and Sundays are the days that people usually rest in their house and spend enough time to go through each and every pages on the newspapers. And furthermore there are lots of special editions on weekends about lifestyle and so on, which will attract many people, read newspapers. While going through the newspapers, definitely they will come across Costa Coffee advertisement because it covers the full page with colourful image. Thus, this will create awareness on the consumers. Internet Banner The Internet banners are the best media for online advertisements. The internet banners will be advertised on the best New Zealand websites such as Trade me, Yellow pages, Stuff, TVNZ, and NZ Herald, yahoo!xtra and Google NZ and more. Banners will show with the advertising campaign and it will put for the 24/7, 12 months. It will place at the top of the search machine or the websites, therefore target audience will be aware these banners while searching or surfing the internet. To make sure, all the banners should flash shifting from one screen to another and it will only goes off when the user clicks to close it. Billboards Billboards are usually put along highway and main roads to capture the audiences who long on the road or drive along the streets and highways. The billboard advertisement will be for the whole year during the advertising campaign. The billboard will use a poster panel form which is silk screened and printed in sheets to the billboard. It is important to use appropriated size of image and font so drivers are able to see the billboard while they are driving without any distraction. The billboard will be set up on the Northern, Southern and Western Motorway and high traffic areas in the central city. Therefore, it will create the brand recognition and product identification by target audience, plus, increase the brand equity. Magazines Magazines are one of the best ways to advertise the branded Coffee shop like Costa Coffee, especially the fashionable Coffee Lovers. Normally, it contains fancy colours of pictures and photos to attract their target audience. Decided to advertise Costa Coffee in Fashion, Food Beverage and Restaurant related magazines such as Cuisine, Vogue, and Womens Weekly. The Womens Weekly magazine is the main magazine media to advertise because it ranked in number one selling New Zealand Magazines (isubscribe, 2010). The advertisement will be printed in each month throughout the whole year in full page with colourful image and a logo of Costa Coffee and simple message will be add on. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths The main strength of the Costa Coffee is the made in UK Company has a strong presence with a good reputation for creativity and coffee in UK. Therefore, the strong connection between New Zealand and UK may influence to increase the Costa Coffee consumption. The second strength for the Costa Coffee is Italian Heritage. Most of the branded Coffee outlets are selling American style or Kiwi style blended coffee beverage. However, Costa Coffee is known as an Italian influenced culture founded on Italian expert knowledge of roasting unique coffee beans to make high quality handmade drinks. As a customer, it will be great reason to motivate them to experience a new style of coffee. Lastly, the wide range of food (ie. Cake, sandwiches, muffins etc) for both adults and kids and unlimited free Wi-Fi internet connection can be also strong strength for Costa Coffee. Weakness The biggest weakness for the Costa Coffee is its market share in Auckland, New Zealand. Yet, Costa Coffee has no market share in the Central city of Auckland and no brand recognition has been made. Therefore, it will be challenge for Costa Coffee to create strong presence with a good reputation like in UK. Opportunities Expansion could be a key opportunity for Costa Coffee. For example, opening more outlets near the University campus, city council, immigration agency, banks within Central Auckland City. Also attracting a wider population especially families with specific products for children. Costa Coffees Kid menu is the good example for this opportunity. Treats As a treat for Costa coffee, Auckland Central city could become saturated with different types of coffee shops. Therefore, this area is quite challenge for Costa Coffee to entering in and targeting the same market with existing coffee shops eg. Starbucks, Columbus, Esquire etc. New entrants are also treats to Costa Coffee. For example, increasing competitive threats from donut and bagel chains as they continuously expand their outlets and increase alternatives of coffee product offering. BUDGET The table below shows the budget allocation across the different media of the advertising plan. The overall budget allocated for this advertising plan would be no more than NZ $4,000, 000. As shown in the table, it shows Television is the major media spend most of the budget followed by the Newspapers. However, it is worth spending massive budget on Television advertisements because it does exposed to larger quantity of target market incredibly within short period of time. Thus, it can easily grasp the target audiences attention by use of combination of visual images, motion, colours and sound effects. For Newspapers, it also plays an important role, because it is cheaper than Television but it also covers wide areas of target market and audience. Communication Tools Amount per year (NZ $) Television 2,592,000 Newspapers 3,512,832 Internet Banner 235,200 Billboard 222,000 Magazine 161,000 Total (NZ $) $ 3,390,116 The calculation above is the maximum amount of the advertising campaign for the whole year. MEASUREMENT Since Costa Coffee has been spending lots of money on its advertising campaign, it is very important to know whether the advertising was effective or not. The effectiveness of advertising campaign needs to be assessed in order to avoid costly mistakes (Belch Belch, 1999). In this case, pre-test can be used before the campaign is implemented and post-test is done after implementing the advertising campaign. There are many ways or methods to do these measurements, such as questionnaires/survey, interview, observations and focus group project or more. Questionnaires, survey and interview are the basic and most common methods to be used by everyone because it is reasonably cheap and easy to gather the peoples opinion towards product/service.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Back to the Future: the Work and Influence of Filippo Marinetti & Umberto Boccioni
Back to the Future The work and influence of Filippo Marinetti & Umberto Boccioni In Europe the transition from the 19th to the 20th century witnessed the emergence of a number of artistic and social movements which left a great impact on societies, not only in Europe but also worldwide. Movements such as Futurism, Dadaism, Surrealism, and Constructivism played an important role in changing society for the better by using their design and art practices.This era also witnessed a number of ideological and cultural changes in many fields such as psychology, philosophy, arts, and technology. Behind the popularity of Dada, Surrealism, Constructivism, Art Deco, and also Vorticism, there was a strong idea of Futurism which incorporated elements of technology, speed, violence, and mechanical objects such as cars, airplanes, and bicycles. Futurism was largely an Italian based movement, however there were other versions of the movement happening around the world, including Russia, and England. .Most Futurists practiced in various mediums of art. According to Anonymous (2010), sculpture, painting, architecture, ceramics, industrial design, interior design, graphic design, theatre and film, textiles, and literature were all acceptable mediums for The Futurists. Two of the more notorious Futurists were Filippo Marinetti, and Umberto Boccioni. Marinettiââ¬â¢s Manifesto of Futurism and Boccioniââ¬â¢s plastic dynamism and sculpture, Unique Forms of Continuity in Space are two very well known pieces of art which played an important role in the popularity of Futurism.The works of the two futurists inspired many artists of their time and are still well known amongst contemporary artists. When the French newspaper, Le Figaro, published on its front page a manifesto about an artistic group, no one knew about the author. The manifesto was written by an EgyptianItalian named Filippo Marinetti, who was based in Milan and was one of the founding fathers of Futurism. The literary p iece was about Le Futurism, the foundation manifesto of the artistic group which was in the process of forming. Marinetti was a natural born writer he wrote from a very young age.He studied in Paris, where he furthered his love for literature. Marinettiââ¬â¢s rebellious nature caused him some difficulties even at this age. He faced the threat of expulsion when he tried to publish Emile Zolaââ¬â¢s scandalous novels through the school magazine. (Harrison 2003, 35) Shortly after the manifesto was published Marinetti was thrust into the public eye, gaining notoriety amongst his contemporaries who saw that he would introduce large changes in the art world. However he was severely criticized by some artists because of his passionate hate for old art and politics.In the article, Marinetti idealized the beauty of modern life and discussed the benefits of machinery, speed, violence, and youth. He talked about the transformation of Italian culture in a new artistic world. According to H enning (2006), Marinettiââ¬â¢s manifesto was not welcomed by most historians who saw it as an attack against history, and historicism. They were of the view that Marinetti joined anti-musuem sentiment with nationalism. Even though the manifesto was published in a French newspaper, it received a large response from Italy. The manifesto was published in the French newspaper Le Figaro, but he emphasized its source -ââ¬â¢from Italyââ¬â¢- at the same time as he rejected the museum culture of Italy, and by implication France too, in the effort to pronounce himself of the present, and of the future. Marinetti associated museums with an obsessions with the past which was corrupting and infecting the body of the nation. â⬠(Henning 2006, 39) Marinettiââ¬â¢s manifesto continued to gain popularity from contemporary artists and draw criticism from contemporary historians.His opposition to museums were considered a threat to the connection between ancient art and literature. In 1916, when Marinetti introduced the manifesto ââ¬ËThe New Religion-Morality of Speedââ¬â¢, it was clear that it had some connection with the past. Though Marinetti adorned this manifesto with technological excitement, he used the parody of religious language, which confused his critics. ââ¬ËThe New Religionââ¬â¢ has received a strong response from authors over time. For example Blum (1996) see in the manifesto a strong logic for Futurism. The binary structuring of reality is tied to the founding of a new religion. In ââ¬ËLa nuova religione-role della velocitaââ¬â¢ (The New Religion-Morality of Speed; 1916), Marinetti argues that speed, whose essence is ââ¬Ëthe intuitive synthesis of all forces in movement,ââ¬â¢ is, by nature, pure. â⬠(Blum 1996, 34) Despite a strict Catholic upbringing, Marinetti was an open opponent of religion, especially the influence of The Vatican in Italy. He was greatly influenced by his fathers interest in the history of religio n. He had great command of the use of religious language, but always with an anti-clerical tone.For example, in his manifesto, ââ¬ËAgainst the Papacy and the Catholic Mentality, Repositories of Every Kind of Traditionalismââ¬â¢, Marinetti launched a campaign for the liberation of Italy from The Vatican. Despite there being clear anti-Catholic tirades in his two manifestos-Against Spain, and Against the Papacy and the Catholic Mentality- one can easily find a solid religious foundation within his writings. Bru and Martens (2006) see a connection between the manifestos. They are of the opinion that despite a gap of over nine years between the publication of the two manifestos, little change is seen in his views of religion. Marinetti expressed his anti-Catholic sentiments in the manifestos, Against Spain (1910) and Against the Papacy and the Catholics Mentality, Repositories of Every Kind of Traditionalism (1919). He was fervently supported by Settimelli, whose brochure Svatican amento: Dichiarazione agli italiani, attacked the Vatican in such strong term that it was sequestered and its author taken to court. â⬠(Bru and Martens 2006, 179) Berghaus (2009) has found genuinely innovative elements in the manifestos of Marinetti. He is of the opinion that Marinettiââ¬â¢s manifestos propagate the futurist reform of lifestyle. Marinetti was opposed to any fetishization of the muscular body and was highly critical of the Fascist adoption of sporting spectacles for the purpose of indoctrination. He was interested in healthy bodies with agile minds. Modern physical culture was an ally in his battle against decadence, materialism, and outdated values. â⬠(Berghaus 2009, 33) Therefore, it can be said that the hidden religious characteristics of Marinetti helped to construct his anti-Catholic and anti-clerical campaign. It is obvious that he developed this quality because of his fatherââ¬â¢s close connection with religion and religious symbolism.Marinet tiââ¬â¢s role in giving a significant position to Futurism in the cultural history of the twentieth century cannot be ignored. Italian painter and sculptor Boccioni is considered to be one of Italyââ¬â¢s most important Futurists. He laid a strong foundation for the concept of Futurism in Italy. Boccioni, who studied art in Romeââ¬â¢s Scuola Libera del Nudo a the Accademia dil Belle Arti, launched a campaign in 1914 to transform Italy, and introduce Plastic Dynamism. His encounter with Futurism came after many years of studying the psychology of artistic dilemmas.He used powerful plastic forms to convey a concept of movement both intrinsic and relative to the objectââ¬â¢s environment. After studying the Impressionists and Post-Impressionists in Paris. Boccioni played a very important role in the establishment of Futurism in Italy in 1911. This was time when Futurism had formed an idiosyncratic and vibrant style, with earl stages of pointillism giving way to a softer, less distinct neo-impressionisitic aesthetic. Smith (1997) says that because of Boccioniââ¬â¢s stern anti-traditional notions, researchers often find a similarity between himself and Marinettiââ¬â¢s ideologies.The response of the two Futurists towards tradition and the influence of religion on society in Italy is very similar indeed. However, according to Smith, Boccioni is differs slightly in his ideas about modernism. ââ¬Å"Although most writers on Futurism accept that Boccioni was caught up by Marinettiââ¬â¢s ideology, most have isolated his work from his proto-Facist politics. His work is thus discussed primarily in terms of his use of the formal devices for the representation of modernity that the Futurists advocated in their manifesto; theories of modernism and various forms of contemporary philosophy are also invoked. (Smith 1997, 111) Like Marinetti, Boccioni audaciously attacked traditional values in his book ââ¬ËPittura e scultura futuriste (dinamismo plastico)â⠬â¢. He announced that his ideas n Plastic Dynamism would function as an anti-traditional idea, and revive not only Italy, but the whole world. In plastic dynamism, Boccioni tried to find a connection between plastic form, and itââ¬â¢s surrounding space. Boccioni has received great attention from Hays (2000) who has closely researched the development of Plastic Dynamism.The author gives credit to Boccioni in the development of new theories in the genre. ââ¬Å"A more essential evolution of these problems, and one closer to the scientific movement that emancipated physical theory from the old notion of matter and its correlative space, is the basis of the new plastic theories developed by the Futurist Umberto Boccioni in his writings on Plastic Dynamism. â⬠(Hays 2000), 592) Boccioni, in his writing severely criticized the traditional aesthetic taste of a democratic states, and said they were largely comprised of pseudo-intellectuals, anarchists, and socialists.He held Enri co Ferri, the socialist editor of Lââ¬â¢Avanti in high regard, but was also supportive of Enrico Corradini, the nationalist novelist and journalist. Despite Boccioniââ¬â¢s criticism of the Italian Nationalist Association for it failure to assist the futurists in promoting the movement politically, he was of the view that Corradiniââ¬â¢s nationalist beliefs were a beacon of hope in a corrupt society. Boccioni studied closely both the nature of an object in motion and its visual revolution in relation to the environment through which it travels.Contrary to traditionalists, his plastic dynamism was a regeneration of plastic consciousness which rejected the devastating effects of democratic-rationalist education. (Kwinter, 2001, 61) Therefore it would not be wrong to say that the aesthetics of Plastic Dynamism which Boccioni highlighted in his writing was anti-democratic as well as anti-traditional. According to Harte (2009), Boccioni, despite his inspiration from the Avant Gar de art movements of Picasso and Braque, presented his ideas in a different style. Unlike the cubists, Picasso and Braque, who fragmented the painted object with little regard for its relationship to the surrounding world, Boccioni and his fellow futurists emphasized an aestheticised objectââ¬â¢s interaction with that world, regarding this interaction as critical to a successful expression of rapid movement on the static canvas or through three dimensional, sculpted forms. â⬠(Harte 2009, 18) Boccioniââ¬â¢s understanding of the fourth dimension successfully bound the theory of space to a temporal idea of revolution.This understanding makes Boccioni prominent amongst other Futurists. The study of the work and writings of both Boccioni and Marinetti make it clear that without an understanding of these two figures, it is difficult to understand the concept of Futurism itself. These two Futurists played an important role in sparking peopleââ¬â¢s interest in the Futurist mov ement, created a template not only for artistic ideas, but also for cultural and social disobedience and a fundamental opposition to traditional aesthetic, moral and political opinions.They each attempted to clarify the Futuristââ¬â¢s ideals and their work left a great impact on society. Smith (1997) provides further evidence of the ideological connection between Boccioni and Marinetti. ââ¬Å"Boccioni and Marinetti founded a movement based on speed. With the death of itââ¬â¢s leading artists, Boccioni, Futurism died fast. â⬠(Strickland and Boswell 2007, 139) References Anonymous (2010) Futurism: Futurist Manifesto, Suite Vollard Enrico Prampolini, General Books LLC, New York Anonymous Berghaus, G. 2009) Futurism and the Technological Imagination, Rodopi, Amsterdam Blum, C S. (1996) The Other Modernism: F. T. Marinettiââ¬â¢s Futurist Fiction of Power, University of California Press, California Bru, S. , and Martens, G. (2006) The Invention of Politics in the European Avant-garde, Rodolphi, Amsterdam Harrison, A. (2003) D. H. Lawrence and Italian Futurism: A Study of Influence, Rodopi, Harte, T. (2009) Fast Forward The Aesthetics and Ideology of Speed in Russian Avant-Garde Culture, University of Wisconsin Press, Wisconsin Hays, M. 2000) Architecture Theory Since 1968, MIT Press, Cambridge Henning, M. (2006) Museums, Media, and Cultural Theory. McGraw-Hill International, London Smith, T E. (1997) Invisible Touch: Modernism and Masculinity, University of Chicago Press, Chicago Strickland, C. , and Boswell J (2007) The Annotated Mona Lisa: A Crash Course in Art History from Prehistoric to Post Modern. Andrews McMeel Publishing, Riverside, NJ Figure 1. Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, 1913, Umberto Boccioni From: http://www. octorhugo. org/synaesthesia/art/ Figure 2. Dynamism of a cyclist, painting, 1913, Umberto Boccioni From: http://artsforhealthmmu. blogspot. com/2011/08/blog-post. html Figure 3. Futurist Manifesto, newspaper article, 1917, F ilippo Marinetti From: http://www. collezioni-f. it/marinetti01. jpg Figure 4. Parole in Liberta, book illustration, 1917, Filippo Marinetti From: http://blanchardmodernart. blogspot. com/2010/10/cubism-and-futurism. html Back to the Future: the Work and Influence of Filippo Marinetti & Umberto Boccioni Back to the Future The work and influence of Filippo Marinetti & Umberto Boccioni In Europe the transition from the 19th to the 20th century witnessed the emergence of a number of artistic and social movements which left a great impact on societies, not only in Europe but also worldwide. Movements such as Futurism, Dadaism, Surrealism, and Constructivism played an important role in changing society for the better by using their design and art practices.This era also witnessed a number of ideological and cultural changes in many fields such as psychology, philosophy, arts, and technology. Behind the popularity of Dada, Surrealism, Constructivism, Art Deco, and also Vorticism, there was a strong idea of Futurism which incorporated elements of technology, speed, violence, and mechanical objects such as cars, airplanes, and bicycles. Futurism was largely an Italian based movement, however there were other versions of the movement happening around the world, including Russia, and England. .Most Futurists practiced in various mediums of art. According to Anonymous (2010), sculpture, painting, architecture, ceramics, industrial design, interior design, graphic design, theatre and film, textiles, and literature were all acceptable mediums for The Futurists. Two of the more notorious Futurists were Filippo Marinetti, and Umberto Boccioni. Marinettiââ¬â¢s Manifesto of Futurism and Boccioniââ¬â¢s plastic dynamism and sculpture, Unique Forms of Continuity in Space are two very well known pieces of art which played an important role in the popularity of Futurism.The works of the two futurists inspired many artists of their time and are still well known amongst contemporary artists. When the French newspaper, Le Figaro, published on its front page a manifesto about an artistic group, no one knew about the author. The manifesto was written by an EgyptianItalian named Filippo Marinetti, who was based in Milan and was one of the founding fathers of Futurism. The literary p iece was about Le Futurism, the foundation manifesto of the artistic group which was in the process of forming. Marinetti was a natural born writer he wrote from a very young age.He studied in Paris, where he furthered his love for literature. Marinettiââ¬â¢s rebellious nature caused him some difficulties even at this age. He faced the threat of expulsion when he tried to publish Emile Zolaââ¬â¢s scandalous novels through the school magazine. (Harrison 2003, 35) Shortly after the manifesto was published Marinetti was thrust into the public eye, gaining notoriety amongst his contemporaries who saw that he would introduce large changes in the art world. However he was severely criticized by some artists because of his passionate hate for old art and politics.In the article, Marinetti idealized the beauty of modern life and discussed the benefits of machinery, speed, violence, and youth. He talked about the transformation of Italian culture in a new artistic world. According to H enning (2006), Marinettiââ¬â¢s manifesto was not welcomed by most historians who saw it as an attack against history, and historicism. They were of the view that Marinetti joined anti-musuem sentiment with nationalism. Even though the manifesto was published in a French newspaper, it received a large response from Italy. The manifesto was published in the French newspaper Le Figaro, but he emphasized its source -ââ¬â¢from Italyââ¬â¢- at the same time as he rejected the museum culture of Italy, and by implication France too, in the effort to pronounce himself of the present, and of the future. Marinetti associated museums with an obsessions with the past which was corrupting and infecting the body of the nation. â⬠(Henning 2006, 39) Marinettiââ¬â¢s manifesto continued to gain popularity from contemporary artists and draw criticism from contemporary historians.His opposition to museums were considered a threat to the connection between ancient art and literature. In 1916, when Marinetti introduced the manifesto ââ¬ËThe New Religion-Morality of Speedââ¬â¢, it was clear that it had some connection with the past. Though Marinetti adorned this manifesto with technological excitement, he used the parody of religious language, which confused his critics. ââ¬ËThe New Religionââ¬â¢ has received a strong response from authors over time. For example Blum (1996) see in the manifesto a strong logic for Futurism. The binary structuring of reality is tied to the founding of a new religion. In ââ¬ËLa nuova religione-role della velocitaââ¬â¢ (The New Religion-Morality of Speed; 1916), Marinetti argues that speed, whose essence is ââ¬Ëthe intuitive synthesis of all forces in movement,ââ¬â¢ is, by nature, pure. â⬠(Blum 1996, 34) Despite a strict Catholic upbringing, Marinetti was an open opponent of religion, especially the influence of The Vatican in Italy. He was greatly influenced by his fathers interest in the history of religio n. He had great command of the use of religious language, but always with an anti-clerical tone.For example, in his manifesto, ââ¬ËAgainst the Papacy and the Catholic Mentality, Repositories of Every Kind of Traditionalismââ¬â¢, Marinetti launched a campaign for the liberation of Italy from The Vatican. Despite there being clear anti-Catholic tirades in his two manifestos-Against Spain, and Against the Papacy and the Catholic Mentality- one can easily find a solid religious foundation within his writings. Bru and Martens (2006) see a connection between the manifestos. They are of the opinion that despite a gap of over nine years between the publication of the two manifestos, little change is seen in his views of religion. Marinetti expressed his anti-Catholic sentiments in the manifestos, Against Spain (1910) and Against the Papacy and the Catholics Mentality, Repositories of Every Kind of Traditionalism (1919). He was fervently supported by Settimelli, whose brochure Svatican amento: Dichiarazione agli italiani, attacked the Vatican in such strong term that it was sequestered and its author taken to court. â⬠(Bru and Martens 2006, 179) Berghaus (2009) has found genuinely innovative elements in the manifestos of Marinetti. He is of the opinion that Marinettiââ¬â¢s manifestos propagate the futurist reform of lifestyle. Marinetti was opposed to any fetishization of the muscular body and was highly critical of the Fascist adoption of sporting spectacles for the purpose of indoctrination. He was interested in healthy bodies with agile minds. Modern physical culture was an ally in his battle against decadence, materialism, and outdated values. â⬠(Berghaus 2009, 33) Therefore, it can be said that the hidden religious characteristics of Marinetti helped to construct his anti-Catholic and anti-clerical campaign. It is obvious that he developed this quality because of his fatherââ¬â¢s close connection with religion and religious symbolism.Marinet tiââ¬â¢s role in giving a significant position to Futurism in the cultural history of the twentieth century cannot be ignored. Italian painter and sculptor Boccioni is considered to be one of Italyââ¬â¢s most important Futurists. He laid a strong foundation for the concept of Futurism in Italy. Boccioni, who studied art in Romeââ¬â¢s Scuola Libera del Nudo a the Accademia dil Belle Arti, launched a campaign in 1914 to transform Italy, and introduce Plastic Dynamism. His encounter with Futurism came after many years of studying the psychology of artistic dilemmas.He used powerful plastic forms to convey a concept of movement both intrinsic and relative to the objectââ¬â¢s environment. After studying the Impressionists and Post-Impressionists in Paris. Boccioni played a very important role in the establishment of Futurism in Italy in 1911. This was time when Futurism had formed an idiosyncratic and vibrant style, with earl stages of pointillism giving way to a softer, less distinct neo-impressionisitic aesthetic. Smith (1997) says that because of Boccioniââ¬â¢s stern anti-traditional notions, researchers often find a similarity between himself and Marinettiââ¬â¢s ideologies.The response of the two Futurists towards tradition and the influence of religion on society in Italy is very similar indeed. However, according to Smith, Boccioni is differs slightly in his ideas about modernism. ââ¬Å"Although most writers on Futurism accept that Boccioni was caught up by Marinettiââ¬â¢s ideology, most have isolated his work from his proto-Facist politics. His work is thus discussed primarily in terms of his use of the formal devices for the representation of modernity that the Futurists advocated in their manifesto; theories of modernism and various forms of contemporary philosophy are also invoked. (Smith 1997, 111) Like Marinetti, Boccioni audaciously attacked traditional values in his book ââ¬ËPittura e scultura futuriste (dinamismo plastico)â⠬â¢. He announced that his ideas n Plastic Dynamism would function as an anti-traditional idea, and revive not only Italy, but the whole world. In plastic dynamism, Boccioni tried to find a connection between plastic form, and itââ¬â¢s surrounding space. Boccioni has received great attention from Hays (2000) who has closely researched the development of Plastic Dynamism.The author gives credit to Boccioni in the development of new theories in the genre. ââ¬Å"A more essential evolution of these problems, and one closer to the scientific movement that emancipated physical theory from the old notion of matter and its correlative space, is the basis of the new plastic theories developed by the Futurist Umberto Boccioni in his writings on Plastic Dynamism. â⬠(Hays 2000), 592) Boccioni, in his writing severely criticized the traditional aesthetic taste of a democratic states, and said they were largely comprised of pseudo-intellectuals, anarchists, and socialists.He held Enri co Ferri, the socialist editor of Lââ¬â¢Avanti in high regard, but was also supportive of Enrico Corradini, the nationalist novelist and journalist. Despite Boccioniââ¬â¢s criticism of the Italian Nationalist Association for it failure to assist the futurists in promoting the movement politically, he was of the view that Corradiniââ¬â¢s nationalist beliefs were a beacon of hope in a corrupt society. Boccioni studied closely both the nature of an object in motion and its visual revolution in relation to the environment through which it travels.Contrary to traditionalists, his plastic dynamism was a regeneration of plastic consciousness which rejected the devastating effects of democratic-rationalist education. (Kwinter, 2001, 61) Therefore it would not be wrong to say that the aesthetics of Plastic Dynamism which Boccioni highlighted in his writing was anti-democratic as well as anti-traditional. According to Harte (2009), Boccioni, despite his inspiration from the Avant Gar de art movements of Picasso and Braque, presented his ideas in a different style. Unlike the cubists, Picasso and Braque, who fragmented the painted object with little regard for its relationship to the surrounding world, Boccioni and his fellow futurists emphasized an aestheticised objectââ¬â¢s interaction with that world, regarding this interaction as critical to a successful expression of rapid movement on the static canvas or through three dimensional, sculpted forms. â⬠(Harte 2009, 18) Boccioniââ¬â¢s understanding of the fourth dimension successfully bound the theory of space to a temporal idea of revolution.This understanding makes Boccioni prominent amongst other Futurists. The study of the work and writings of both Boccioni and Marinetti make it clear that without an understanding of these two figures, it is difficult to understand the concept of Futurism itself. These two Futurists played an important role in sparking peopleââ¬â¢s interest in the Futurist mov ement, created a template not only for artistic ideas, but also for cultural and social disobedience and a fundamental opposition to traditional aesthetic, moral and political opinions.They each attempted to clarify the Futuristââ¬â¢s ideals and their work left a great impact on society. Smith (1997) provides further evidence of the ideological connection between Boccioni and Marinetti. ââ¬Å"Boccioni and Marinetti founded a movement based on speed. With the death of itââ¬â¢s leading artists, Boccioni, Futurism died fast. â⬠(Strickland and Boswell 2007, 139) References Anonymous (2010) Futurism: Futurist Manifesto, Suite Vollard Enrico Prampolini, General Books LLC, New York Anonymous Berghaus, G. 2009) Futurism and the Technological Imagination, Rodopi, Amsterdam Blum, C S. (1996) The Other Modernism: F. T. Marinettiââ¬â¢s Futurist Fiction of Power, University of California Press, California Bru, S. , and Martens, G. (2006) The Invention of Politics in the European Avant-garde, Rodolphi, Amsterdam Harrison, A. (2003) D. H. Lawrence and Italian Futurism: A Study of Influence, Rodopi, Harte, T. (2009) Fast Forward The Aesthetics and Ideology of Speed in Russian Avant-Garde Culture, University of Wisconsin Press, Wisconsin Hays, M. 2000) Architecture Theory Since 1968, MIT Press, Cambridge Henning, M. (2006) Museums, Media, and Cultural Theory. McGraw-Hill International, London Smith, T E. (1997) Invisible Touch: Modernism and Masculinity, University of Chicago Press, Chicago Strickland, C. , and Boswell J (2007) The Annotated Mona Lisa: A Crash Course in Art History from Prehistoric to Post Modern. Andrews McMeel Publishing, Riverside, NJ Figure 1. Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, 1913, Umberto Boccioni From: http://www. octorhugo. org/synaesthesia/art/ Figure 2. Dynamism of a cyclist, painting, 1913, Umberto Boccioni From: http://artsforhealthmmu. blogspot. com/2011/08/blog-post. html Figure 3. Futurist Manifesto, newspaper article, 1917, F ilippo Marinetti From: http://www. collezioni-f. it/marinetti01. jpg Figure 4. Parole in Liberta, book illustration, 1917, Filippo Marinetti From: http://blanchardmodernart. blogspot. com/2010/10/cubism-and-futurism. html
Thursday, January 9, 2020
What is operations management - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 15 Words: 4525 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? 1. Context As can be seen from the data collected by the General office for population family planning , the number of divorces, separation and bachelor hood or spinster hood has been on the increase recently. In Ho Chi Minh City alone the bachelors and spinsters account for 28.4%, windows and windowers take up 6.7% divorces occupies 1% and 0.5% is for the separated. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "What is operations management?" essay for you Create order The tragedy is partly caused by the bustle and hustle of the morden life since people from all walksof life are so busy with their job that they barely have time for other thing such as dating, social gatherings, which results in lack of mutual under standing. Our coffee shop named Venue, with slogan Venue where emotion begins is intended to offer dating people an environment to reveal themselves to each other, afew pratical ideas for couples wishing to fight the fade in love, rekindle the romance, strenthen their marrige and a good condition for partners to build up strong relationship. 1.1. Service ideas In oder for those who who hardly find time to meet with and understand each other to build friendship, strong love and a happy marrige as well as long lasting partnership, our coffee shop has come into being. The coffee shop has designed its own website easily accessible to anyone who wants to post their personal information such as age, sex, education, occupation, preferences, and marital status must be presented honestly and meet our requirement. Once the name of the coffee shop is on map, the shop will be defintely attractive draw a large number of people to the website so do the advertisers. As result of this, we can make considerable profit from advertising. 1.2. Coffee market research in HCM City and Vietnam. According to the data from the General statistics office in 2002 each vietnamese averages 1.25 kilogram of coffee annually spending approximately 9000 VND an equivalent of $0.4 per capita. 19.2% of the population drink coffee daily, increasing by 23% on new year holiday. It is remarkable that city dwellers use upto 2.3 kilograms of coffee per year, 2.72 times higher than that of rural people and the former. Also expend 20.280 VND on a cup a year 3.5 times higher than that of the former. According to a survey conducted by Trung nguyen in the 2 biggest cities: HCM and Hanoi,coffee consumers from these cities are aged under 40. Coffee using habit is closely related to occupation. While the retirees in Hanoi account for the largest number, the business men take up the biggest in HCM city (23%); closely followed by the students and the number of the retirees is the smallest. The results from the survey also indicate that Hanoians spend 48.000 VND on coffee annually while residents in HCM pay 121000 VND. Out of the 7 districts (district 1, 3, 6, 11, Govap, Tn ph, and Bnh thnh). Tan ph has the most coffee drinkers. People in HCM City prefer drip filter coffee the most with 38%, white coffee 27% and instant coffee 20% but 67% of Hanians use instant coffee. The proportion of coffee goers in HCM City is also higher than Hanoi. Coffee shop area in HCM is larger than that of Hanoi and coffee shops offers a better selection of beverages 40 types compared to 9 in Hanoi. 2. Project abstract 2.1. Objectives of the project Having 160 customers visit each day. Reaching a monthly turnover of 130 milion. Getting a profit ratio by 50%. Having 500 loyal customers. 2.2.Task Making an informal and relaxing atmosphere for clients to converse with each other and relax over nice and delicate refreshments. Being sure to offer the clients the best services, romantic dating service VIA the shopwebsite. 2.3.Factors for success Offering considerate and enthusiastic customer care services. Promoting and implementing dating services drastically for The Singles, Singgle parents, divorcees, widows and widowers. Holding chamber music concerts, guitar playing concerts. Offering music at the clients request Conveniently located in the proximity of office buildings; making favorable conditions for white collar staff to take lunch breaks (who are also our target loyal customers). 2.4.Clientele Office worllers aged 23 or above, with breakfast and lunch. Students, youth, business people in the evening. 2.4.1.Service offering Morning: coffee beverages and fruit juice. Noon: coffee beverages and fruit juice. Evening: coffee for the youth People in love Dates are designed for courtship through the website. Special events held at weekends such as the nicest offer of love, the sweetest offer of marriage. 2.4.2. Area (square meters) Approximately 555 square meters divided into three sections (54 tables or 224 seats in total). Garden area: 22 tables. Indoor area: air conditioned -30 tables. First floor area: air conditioned -Japanese sofas can be converted into 20 double bufferings. 2.4.3.Products and services: Buon me thuot, Trung nguyen coffees. Ice-cream, fruit juice extract. Fruit of some kinds. Beverages: pepsi, coke, xa xi, CO2, green tea. 2.4.4.Price 22.000 VND 80.000 VND 2.4.5.Marketing and promotion Adverticements, banners placed on our website Pamplets distributed at universities (1000 pamplets in the first month then distribution will be under consideration as to whether to continue or not). The customers with the pamplet are offered 10% off the regular price. Presenting customers loyal cards to whoever frequents the shops 20 times a month with 10% discount on drinks of all kinds (cards are valid within a month and marked with the managers signature). Presenting VIP cards to the 6 customer loyal card holders, who have 20% off the regular prices on all kinds of drinks. VIP cards expires in 1 year long. 2.4.6.Staffs Barista servers: 12 staffs Working hours: 6h30 14h30 Working hours: 14h30 23h00 Security (guard looking after vehicles): 4 staffs Working hours: 6h30 14h30 Working hours: 14h30 23h00 Housekeeping: 4 staffs Working hours: 6h30 14h30 Working hours: 14h30 23h00 Cashiers receptionists: 4 staffs Working hours: 6h30 14h30 Working hours: 14h30 23h00 Accountant: 1 staff Website administrator: 1 staff The staff numbers are adjusted after one month. 3. Service design 3.1. Blueprinting of coffee shop As you can see this is a service process blueprint that it can be updated, extended and rearranged as desired. This can be the better way of serving clients, and We can now devise customer defined service standards, that can be easily implemented. For instance if the coffee shop has a complaint about how dirty a certain table cloth is , this could be promtly responded to by the hygiene and safety division . Lets now take one area in our blueprint for example to see what we can do with it. Well take the fourth box under the line of interaction employee handling customer s grieavance she will come to solve the problem and gain back his or her sympathy and satisfation by listening and explaining to the unhappu customer and referring the feed back to the hygiene and safety. 3.2. Function of each line 3.2.1. Line of Interaction Customers access the website and are given an ID for the date with the partners at our shop. The Website administrator or the call center will assist customers with information posting 3.2.2. Line of visibility The patrons id date is given to a receptionist and he or she is led to a consultant ( who is responsible for facilitating the dialogue between the two partners and offering tips on how to order romantic refreshments ). Those who come to our shop for other purposes receive some serevice except for consultation. Other employees are in charge of talking orders, making delivering. 3.2.3. Line of internal interation Order are filled and checked for safety and hygiene. Whashing up is also done here 3.2.4. Line of support The duties are to take care of accounting, book keeping, billing and handling customers grievance 3.3.Front office 3.3.1.Coffee shop Drinks area The atmosphere at the drinks area is very important. Clients go to the coffee shops mostly to relax. Besides, this coffee shop is also a place for dating. So the atmosphere should be informal and relatively quiet, with soft, romantic music. This atmosphere will make the clients feel comfortable when conversing with each other and relaxing over nice and delicate refreshments. The garden area should be filled with plants and trees. A small pool with fish or waterfall will help clients to forget the busy city outside. The ground floor area is air-conditioned. Music can be offered to the clients requests in this area. The first floor is also air-conditioned, with 10 Japanese sofas, which can be converted into 20 double bufferings. The servers must be attentive and respectful to the clients. In addition, the servers has to be quick and accurate. With a lot of clients at three different areas, there will be quite a lot of orders to take. The servers have two minutes to take an order and one minutes to deliver an order. With only two minutes to take order, the servers have to be careful; on the first side, the server must not rush the clients, but on the other side, the server must not let the time extend too long. The standard service policy is that 95% of all customer orders will be served within 10 minutes of arrival at the coffee shop. Apart from free internet access, shelfs of magezines, newspapers, and music. The coffee shop will have decoration on the wall along with pictures of art schools in the world. This makes the client feel as if going to an art museum of the world. Vehicle guarding: Clients will get a ticket for each vehicle and the guard will keep the vehicles for them. The coffee shop shall offer free vehicle keeping. The vehicle keeping fee ususally is small but often causes bad feelings with the clients. By offering fee service, this will give a good impression on the clients. The guard must be friendly, honest and hardworking. He must greet the clients and help them park / take the vehicles. A friendly guard will make the clients feel comfortable right from the beginning. 3.3.2. Website message center The objective is to offer the clients the best services, romantic dating service VIA the shops website. The website shall be romantically designed and the user interface friendly. The website allows client to register their basic information so that other clients can find persons with similar interests. A sorting algorithm will help the client to select a person that best suit them. Another option is that the client can contact the consultant. 3.4. Back office 3.4.1. Routine operations: Supporting activities At the back office, the manager of the coffee shop must direct the daily activities. The manager must know which supplies are in short supply and when / where to order for the supplies. Everything necessary to make serve drinks must be ready. The manager also has to know whom to call to fix every arising problem. Making serving drinks: The standard service policy is that 95% of all customer orders will be served within 10 minutes of arrival at the coffee shop. This means that the person who makes drink only has approximately 4 minutes to prepare all the drinks for one table. This person has to be quick and accurate, especially on rush hours or weekends, when people go to the coffe shop in groups. The servers also has to be quick and accurate. The servers only have one minute to deliver an order and a lot of clients at three different areas. After a table of clients go home, the servers have to clean the table and prepare the table quickly to be ready for the next group of clients. Cleaning washing At the back office, the glasses, trays, spoons must be wash quickly to be ready for the next batch of orders. Cleaners must clean the coffee shop before opening hour and after closing hour. The WC is another small but important point because it leaves a long impression on the clients. The cleaner must also be on hand to clean the spilled drinks or other problems. Accounting Accuraccy is the most important thing for accounting. This includes billing the clients before the clients leaves. The accountant is also responsible for archiving the invoices, making account statements, paying taxes. 3.4.2. Database management After a database is designed and installed, a database engineer must be available to to routine maintainance for the website. This person is also the administrator to the website, to monitor the information flow on the website. Bad and unsuitable comments / links must be deleted and violators must be banned from the website. This will make the website useful and friendly to the clients. The clients must feel safe when using the website for dating. The process of providing ID through the website As the above figure, at the Line Interation, customers can publish personal information via the website and get ID easily. The personal information will comprise age, gender, married status ,and hobbies. A arranging employee who always is on site will receive information from customers, simultaneously review personal information of each customer, and make a suitable date number code through a granted ID to them. The customer will receive an date code as well as time. The process of providing ID through message service We will corporate with telecommunication businesses such as VTC, FPT, VNPT which proficiently provide added value service based on the fundamental of mobile phone service to exploit Prefixs of 1800, 1900 by receiving messages from customers who have demand of meeting their partners Call center Receiving question and responding it to customers. Making consultant of getting ID or a date code from website through skilled consulting employees. 3.5. Waiting Line analysis To assess the impact (cost and benefits) on service of different staffing strategies at a high-volume coffee shop. We will apply Probability/Queuing Theory for the coffee shop. A key measure of this objective is the time required to take and fill a customers order (i.e. the time between the moment a customer enters the waiting line, and the moment the customer leaves the counter with customer order). Clearly, one of the surest ways to achieve very rapid turnaround is to have many employees on hand at all times, ready to take and fill orders; however, this would be prohibitively expensive and, in any event, there are often other constraints on throughput (e.g. the number of espresso machines). At the other end of the spectrum, the shop could be staffed minimally, which would in turn minimize staffing costs; during peak times, however, the time spent waiting in line could grow to an unacceptable level. In order to assess the impact of different strategies, and recommend rational staffing levels, we must take as much as possible of the following into account: The average rate at which customers enter the shop including, ideally, a breakdown of customer order types (e.g. regular coffee vs. espresso) at different times of the day; The time required for a coffee shop employee to serve each of the different order types, and the amount (and type) of variation in these times; Shift staffing options (i.e. the limits upper and lower on the length of a shift); The hourly cost of an employee (including the impact on cost of different shift lengths); Other limiting factors (e.g. the number of espresso machines). 3.5.1.Working Problem: We will examine a simplified version of the problem, with the following characteristics: A standard service policy: 95% of all customer orders will be filled within 10 minutes of the customer joining the line; A single average arrival rate of 38 customers/hour, based on a Poisson arrival process; As a consequence of the previous point, no variation in staffing level over the course of the day we will simply examine different, constant levels; No distinction between different types of customer orders, and the time required to service each order distributed according to the Exponential distribution with an average service time of 40 customers/hour; Partly as a consequence of the previous point, we will not distinguish between types of employees; each employee costs the same, per hour, as any other employee. 3.5.2.Mathematical Model: The arrival rate: When arrivals into a queuing system are independent (i.e. the fact that a person or party enters the shop during a given minute has no effect on whether another party enters the shop during any other minute), the arrival process is said to be a Poisson process, and the time between arrivals is a random variable which follows the Exponential distribution. This distribution is described by the following probability distribution function: f(t) = e-t 1/ = average interarrival time The service time: The same distribution will be used for the service time (the time from the moment the customers order is taken to the moment the order is filled), but it is customary to employ (instead of ) for the service rate: f(t) = e-t 1/ = average time to service an order 3.5.3. Computational Model: From the Exponential distribution, we will need to transform the numbers returned from the Uniform distribution, as follows: tarrival = -ln(1-uarrival) / tservice = -ln(1-uservice) / The average number of customers in the system (L) 19.00 The average number of customers in the queue (Lq) 18.05 Average time in the system per customer (W) 30.00 minutes Average time in the queue (Wq) 28.50 minutes Propability that the server will be busy (U) 0.950 Probability that customers must wait P(0) 0.050 3.5.4. Psychology of Waiting Line Due to characteristics of coffee service, Waiting Line is different from this of other services. Apart from free internet access, shelfs of magezines, newspapers, and music. The coffee shop will have decoration on the wall along with pictures of art schools in the world. This make guest feeling of going to an art museum of the world. 4. Service layout 4.1. Site selection Location plays an important role in the success of project of services business. Good location ease the process of doing business, competitive and highly profitable. On the basis of business strategy, business objectives and financial capabilities, we selected sites based on the following criteria: Features and consumption habits of target customers: Focus on densely populated areas , office buidings, industrial areas . Focus on the segmentation: the white -collar workers . Cost: space, power, water, labor Conveniently situated on a two -way street in Tan phu district . The scene of the region: modern, close to nature Area landscape Through the actual conditions on familiar terrain, financial capability, we choose the site to open a coffe shop in Tan Phu District of 555 square meters,which is located in the densely populated area in the proximity of offices, industrial parks. Moreover the site asks for reasonable rent which makes favorable condition for us to put more capital into other services such as online connection service . It comes to our understanding that a good location in combination with quality product and a better service will ensure the successdensely-workers is an important ground for low-cost appropriate financial conditions, extensive grounds convenient we will focus on funding for service development online service. We understand that a business location should be accompanied by good quality good service, marketing and advertising activities policies customer care can help businesses succeed. 4.2. Service layout To develop an efficient store design and layout will be one of the most important factors in positioning business for success. The layout for a dating coffee service require a spacious and airy space. An area of 555 square meters constitutes a prerequisite for the success of the project. The type of layout we choose in our project is process layout functional layout, because of the variability in customer requests for service. The objective of system is to maximize service speed and customer satisfaction as much as possible. The section is divided according to the functions: management, consultancy, service, billing, facility management, kitchen and inventory. The following is the best layout for the coffee shop: This layout will allow maximum flexibility, save space, and facilitate communication, circulation among the customers cleaning up, order taking delivery and billing. It maximizes the usage of the area in customer section which helps bring in revenue and to increase the service speed will allow maximize your sales by serving as many customers as possible during peak business periods. The layout designates the front office (in full view of the customer) and the back office (invisible to the customer). Back office can be organized for efficiency and functionality, while front office layout must be aesthetically pleasing as well as functional. The layout satisfies a variety of customers needs for the seating or the typical purpose of the meeting. The space required for the service area, (cash register, brewing espresso equipment, pastry case, blenders, storage, prep, dishwashing and office areas etc.) at back of the house and restrooms, will consume about 80 square meters. The remainder will be seating area. The determine tasks will be performed by each employee position, so that the equipment and fixtures necessary to accomplish those tasks can be located in the appropriate places : cashier will operate the cash register, barista will make all espresso-based beverages, tea, chai, hot chocolate, Italian sodas, as well as all the blender beverages. The design have the back door will be necessary to satisfy bureaucracies and facilitate. The back door will most likely have to serve as an emergency fire exit, so we have a hallway connecting it with customer area. And, the delivery of products will also probably occur through back door, having access to back of the house storage area would also be convenient. All the features have been designed into the back of the house. Thats a working area of the house and the customer seating area also is suitably arranged. In evening, the comfortable seating will be important for creating a relaxing ambiance, then by all means do it. Feature from the front door to the seating area should be arranged in a logical, sequential order. On the employees side of the counter, work and product flow are even more important. Any unnecessary steps or wasted movements that result from a less than optimal design will slow down employee production. All products should flow seamlesly in one direction towards the ultimate point of pick-up. Equipment be grouped together so that it is in the immediate proximity of the employee(s) who will be using it. Beyond the actual equipment, empty spaces must be left on the counter top to store ingredients and small wares (tools) used in product preparation. Counter top space will also be needed where menu items will actually be assembled. Creating defined work stations will allow put multiple employees behind the counter when needed. Keeping stations in close proximity to each other will allow one employee to easily access all equipment during very slow periods of business, thus saving labor cost. 5. Financial plan 5.1. Parameters Items USD Note Cups Sale (how much you sell 1 cup of coffee average) 2 Expenses Cups 0.08 Employee hourly pay 0.5 Hours employee works daily 8 Days employee works monthly 30 days Coffee per cup 0.5 Housekeeping 75 Security 75 Staff 5 persons Management 400 Website management 250 Fixed Cost Equipment 22000 Monthly Rent 2000 Monthly utilities 325 Unknown cost 20% Start-up cost 50000 5.2. Coffee Growth Projections Year 1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12 Cups sold 5040 5443.2 5846.4 6249.6 6652.8 7056 7459.2 7862.4 8265.6 8668.8 9072 9475.2 Employment schedule Barista 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Security 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Housekeeping 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Staff 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Website Management 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Management 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Total 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 25% 27% 29% 31% 33% 35% 37% 39% 41% 43% 45% 47% Growth rate per month 2% Days 30 Number of seats 224 Times of seat used per day 3 We assume that the monthly growth rate reaches 2% frequency at which a seat is occupied is 3 times. Year 2 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12 Cups sold 9878.4 9878.4 9878.4 9878.4 9878.4 9878.4 9878.4 9878.4 9878.4 9878.4 9878.4 9878.4 Employment schedule Barista 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Security 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Housekeeping 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Staff 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Website Management 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Management 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Total 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 49% 49% 49% 49% 49% 49% 49% 49% 49% 49% 49% 49% Growth rate per month Days Number of seats Times of seat used per day Salary payment made to staff amounts to $3040 a month, which is logical based on the scope of business and number of employees Year 3 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12 Cups sold 9878.4 9878.4 9878.4 9878.4 9878.4 9878.4 9878.4 9878.4 9878.4 9878.4 9878.4 9878.4 Employment schedule Barista 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Security 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Housekeeping 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Staff 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Website Management 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Management 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 total 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 49% 49% 49% 49% 49% 49% 49% 49% 49% 49% 49% 49% growth rate per month days number of seats Times of seat used per day 5.3. Monthly Income Statement Monthly Income Statement Year 1 Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sales Cups Sale (how much you sell 1 cup of coffee average) 10,080 10,886 11,693 12,499 13,306 14,112 14,918 15,725 16,531 17,338 18,144 18,950 Expenses Cups Sale (how much you sell 1 cup of coffee average) 403 435 468 500 532 564 597 629 661 694 726 758 Coffee per cup 2,520 2,722 2,923 3,125 3,326 3,528 3,730 3,931 4,133 4,334 4,536 4,738 Gross margin 9,677 10,451 11,225 11,999 12,773 13,548 14,322 15,096 15,870 16,644 17,418 18,192 Expenses Salaries Payable 3040 3040 3040 3040 3040 3040 3040 3040 3040 3040 3040 3040 equipment 22000 Monthly Rent 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 Monthly utilities 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 start-up cost 50000 unknown cost 5,473 1,073 1,073 1,073 1,073 1,073 1,073 1,073 1,073 1,073 1,073 1,073 Total Expenses 82,838 6,438 6,438 6,438 6,438 6,438 6,438 6,438 6,438 6,438 6,438 6,438 Net Income -73,161 4,013 4,787 5,561 6,335 7,110 7,884 8,658 9,432 10,206 10,980 11,754 total expenses for breakeven analysis 85,761 9,595 9,829 10,063 10,297 10,530 10,764 10,998 11,232 11,466 11,700 11,934 Monthly Income Statement Year 2 Mont 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sales Cups Sale (how much you sell 1 cup of coffee average) 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 Expenses Cups Sale (how much you sell 1 cup of coffee average) 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 Coffee per cup 4,939 4,939 4,939 4,939 4,939 4,939 4,939 4,939 4,939 4,939 4,939 4,939 Gross margin 18,967 18,967 18,967 18,967 18,967 18,967 18,967 18,967 18,967 18,967 18,967 18,967 Expenses Salaries Payable 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 equipment Monthly Rent 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 Monthly utilities 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 start-up cost unknown cost 1,269 1,269 1,269 1,269 1,269 1,269 1,269 1,269 1,269 1,269 1,269 1,269 Total Expenses 7,614 7,614 7,614 7,614 7,614 7,614 7,614 7,614 7,614 7,614 7,614 7,614 Net Income 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 total expenses for breakeven analysis 13,343 13,343 13,343 13,343 13,343 13,343 13,343 13,343 13,343 13,343 13,343 13,343 Monthly Income Statement Year 3 Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sales Cups Sale (how much you sell 1 cup of coffee average) 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 Expenses Cups Sale (how much you sell 1 cup of coffee average) 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 Coffee per cup 4,939 4,939 4,939 4,939 4,939 4,939 4,939 4,939 4,939 4,939 4,939 4,939 Gross margin 18,967 18,967 18,967 18,967 18,967 18,967 18,967 18,967 18,967 18,967 18,967 18,967 Expenses Salaries Payable 4520 4520 4520 4520 4520 4520 4520 4520 4520 4520 4520 4520 equipment Monthly Rent 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 Monthly utilities 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 Start-up cost Unknown cost 1,369 1,369 1,369 1,369 1,369 1,369 1,369 1,369 1,369 1,369 1,369 1,369 Total Expenses 8,214 8,214 8,214 8,214 8,214 8,214 8,214 8,214 8,214 8,214 8,214 8,214 Net Income 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 Total expenses for breakeven analysis 13,943 13,943 13,943 13,943 13,943 13,943 13,943 13,943 13,943 13,943 13,943 13,943 5.4. Monthly Balance Sheet Monthly Balance Sheet Year 1 Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Assets Cash 9,799 13,005 16,986 21,741 27,270 33,573 40,650 48,502 57,127 66,527 76,701 87,649 A/R 10,080 10,886 11,693 12,499 13,306 14,112 14,918 15,725 16,531 17,338 18,144 18,950 Total Assets 19,879 23,892 28,679 34,240 40,575 47,685 55,569 64,226 73,658 83,864 94,845 106,599 Liabilities A/P 3,040 3,040 3,040 3,040 3,040 3,040 3,040 3,040 3,040 3,040 3,040 3,040 Total Liabilities 3,040 3,040 3,040 3,040 3,040 3,040 3,040 3,040 3,040 3,040 3,040 3,040 Equity Paid in Capital 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 Current Earnings -73,161 4,013 4,787 5,561 6,335 7,110 7,884 8,658 9,432 10,206 10,980 11,754 Retained Earnings 0 -73,161 -69,148 -64,361 -58,800 -52,465 -45,355 -37,471 -28,814 -19,382 -9,176 1,805 Total Equity 16,839 20,852 25,639 31,200 37,535 44,645 52,529 61,186 70,618 80,824 91,805 103,559 Total L and E 19,879 23,892 28,679 34,240 40,575 47,685 55,569 64,226 73,658 83,864 94,845 106,599 Monthly Balance Sheet Year 2 Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Assets Cash 99,175 110,527 121,880 133,232 144,585 155,937 167,290 178,643 189,995 201,348 212,700 224,053 A/R 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 Total Assets 118,932 130,284 141,637 152,989 164,342 175,694 187,047 198,399 209,752 221,104 232,457 243,809 Liabilities A/P 4,020 4,020 4,020 4,020 4,020 4,020 4,020 4,020 4,020 4,020 4,020 4,020 Total Liabilities 4,020 4,020 4,020 4,020 4,020 4,020 4,020 4,020 4,020 4,020 4,020 4,020 Equity Paid in Capital 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 Current Earnings 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 Retained Earnings 13,559 24,912 36,264 47,617 58,969 70,322 81,674 93,027 104,379 115,732 127,084 138,437 Total Equity 114,912 126,264 137,617 148,969 160,322 171,674 183,027 194,379 205,732 217,084 228,437 239,789 Total L and E 118,932 130,284 141,637 152,989 164,342 175,694 187,047 198,399 209,752 221,104 232,457 243,809 Monthly Balance Sheet Year 3 Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Assets Cash 235,305 246,058 256,810 267,563 278,315 289,068 299,820 310,573 321,325 332,078 342,830 353,583 A/R 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 Total Assets 255,062 265,814 276,567 287,320 298,072 308,825 319,577 330,330 341,082 351,835 362,587 373,340 Liabilities A/P 4,520 4,520 4,520 4,520 4,520 4,520 4,520 4,520 4,520 4,520 4,520 4,520 Total Liabilities 4,520 4,520 4,520 4,520 4,520 4,520 4,520 4,520 4,520 4,520 4,520 4,520 Equity Paid in Capital 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 Current Earnings 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 Retained Earnings 149,789 160,542 171,294 182,047 192,800 203,552 214,305 225,057 235,810 246,562 257,315 268,067 Total Equity 250,542 261,294 272,047 282,800 293,552 304,305 315,057 325,810 336,562 347,315 358,067 368,820 Total L and E 255,062 265,814 276,567 287,320 298,072 308,825 319,577 330,330 341,082 351,835 362,587 373,340 The amount of money invested in the project is $90000. 5.5. Monthly Cash Flow Year 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sources of Cash Paid in capital 90,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Beg Cash Flow 90,000 -63,362 17,018 21,773 27,302 33,605 40,682 48,534 57,159 66,559 76,733 87,681 Increase in A/P 3,040 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Net income -73,161 4,013 4,787 5,561 6,335 7,110 7,884 8,658 9,432 10,206 10,980 11,754 Change in Retained Earnings -73,161 77,174 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 774 Total Sources -53,282 17,825 22,580 28,108 34,412 41,489 49,340 57,966 67,366 77,539 88,487 100,209 Uses of Cash Increase in A/R 10,080 806 806 806 806 806 806 806 806 806 806 806 Total Uses 10,080 806 806 806 806 806 806 806 806 806 806 806 Net Change in Cash -63,362 17,018 21,773 27,302 33,605 40,682 48,534 57,159 66,559 76,733 87,681 99,403 Cash Balance -63,362 17,018 21,773 27,302 33,605 40,682 48,534 57,159 66,559 76,733 87,681 99,403 Year 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sources of Cash Paid in capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Beg Cash Flow 99,403 110,527 121,880 133,232 144,585 155,937 167,290 178,643 189,995 201,348 212,700 224,053 Increase in A/P 980 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Net income 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 11,353 Change in Retained Earnings -402 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Sources 111,334 121,880 133,232 144,585 155,937 167,290 178,643 189,995 201,348 212,700 224,053 235,405 Uses of Cash Increase in A/R 806 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Uses 806 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Net Change in Cash 110,527 121,880 133,232 144,585 155,937 167,290 178,643 189,995 201,348 212,700 224,053 235,405 Cash Balance 110,527 121,880 133,232 144,585 155,937 167,290 178,643 189,995 201,348 212,700 224,053 235,405 Year 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sources of Cash Paid in capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Beg Cash Flow 235,405 246,058 256,810 267,563 278,315 289,068 299,820 310,573 321,325 332,078 342,830 353,583 Increase in A/P 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Net income 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 10,753 Change in Retained Earnings -600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Sources 246,058 256,810 267,563 278,315 289,068 299,820 310,573 321,325 332,078 342,830 353,583 364,336 Uses of Cash Increase in A/R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Uses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Net Change in Cash 246,058 256,810 267,563 278,315 289,068 299,820 310,573 321,325 332,078 342,830 353,583 364,336 Cash Balance 246,058 256,810 267,563 278,315 289,068 299,820 310,573 321,325 332,078 342,830 353,583 364,336 5.6. Break-even analysis Break even analysis Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total Sales 32,659 72,576 119,750 174,182 233,453 292,723 351,994 411,264 470,534 529,805 589,075 648,346 paid in equity 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 Total Cost 105,185 136,075 169,070 204,169 244,199 284,230 324,260 364,291 406,121 447,951 489,782 531,612 Pay-Back 195,185 226,075 259,070 294,169 334,199 374,230 414,260 454,291 496,121 537,951 579,782 621,612 Based on the total cost, total sales, payback, paid in equity we calculate that the breakeven point should fall on the second quarter of the second year. 6. Conclusion and recommendation Based on, the idea, rather orginial in Viennam, on the service design, on social needs and on financial analysis, the shop will be able to reach the break-even point in the second quarter of the second year from then on. The coffee shop target a segmentation left open on the market. Solution is rather feasible and the service is differentiated. The project will be successfully implemented and economically effective. The business will be expanded into other areas.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Great Details New York City - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 554 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? New York City consists of both a port and city located in the Hudson River in northeastern U.S. It encompasses Staten islands, Manhattan and some parts of Long Island, making it a massive American metropolis. In reality, New York City comprises of neighbor hoods that collectively make up the vast conurbation. They are strategically located within the five main boroughs; Bronx, Staten Island, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island. One common feature about New York City is the manner in which lifestyle vary, from one borough to another making a detour through them one of the most memorable undertakings. As a geographic marvel, the actual site on which the city stands is on granite bedrock that is about 100 million years old. Lovers of topographical history would be interested in discovering it as a byproduct of the Wisconsin Glacial Stage. Evidence of this can be found in Manhattanââ¬â¢s world-famous Central Park where subterranean kettle depressions, erratic boulders and glacial moraine litter the landscape. Another important feature is the Hudson above River which in reality is an estuary of the Atlantic Ocean. The temperature in the city and around the river, particularly in January, is roughly 31 à °F (0 à °C) and in July averages 72 à °F (22 à °C).à The New York Bay is surrounded by a vast expanse of lush hills rich in minerals. It contains about one hundred and seventy minerals that have also been found around the world and ninety classes of precious stone. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Great Details New York City" essay for you Create order New York bags the award for the most diverse city in the United States with a wide array of ethnicities, races, and religions. It is this diversity that makes it as commercially driven as it is creating what is arguably an attractive urban metropolis. The city is also famed for directly contributing to the collective consciousness of the countryââ¬â¢s citizenry through its images. For instance, Broadway represents Theatre, Wall Street is synonymous with finance, Madison Avenue sharing its connection with the world of advertisement, Fifth Avenue with shopping, Seventh Avenue with fashion Tammany Hall representing politics, Harlem standing for African American aspiration, especially during the Jazz Age and Greenwich Village signifying a more conservative bohemian life that some members of the city choose to lead. New York has its roots in the immigrant populations that came across the Atlantic in search of a better life and the American Dream. Evidence of this is in the unusual present day demography; New York has more Puerto Ricans than the Puerto Rican capital, San Juan, itself, more Irish than the Irish capital in Dublin, more Italians than those in Naples and more Jews than those found in Tel Aviv. The metropolis is regarded as an epitome of the American Dream and is also home to the Statue of Liberty, a gift to the American people from France for gaining independence from the British Empire. It is this wealth culture and history that has kept tourists flocking into New York City as one of their most preferred destinations in the United States. Commerce is at the center of this great city, and it is because of these business activities that have made New York the wealthiest and richest town in the United States. The cityââ¬â¢s presence is kept alive by the constant stream of people and goods through its port ensuring it always stays afloat.
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